
Tuesday, 29 August 2017

It has been a while...


Well, it has been a while hasn't it?!

Where to start?
Well, my little girl was born just over 5 weeks early, I had a pretty shakey week before it - I have written a little bit below about her birth and totally understand if you don't want to read it (rather boring to most!) so skip to the next paragraph 😃

I lost my plug at 34 weeks - was understandably terrified and spent a morning in triage been told to go home and wait and see if anything happened. I was strep b positive (please please please get yourself tested if youre pregnant - worth the £35 fee) so I was worried will be high chance of passing infection but was assured was ok until waters broke. I asked work if I could take maternity leave a week early and my boss was brilliant, said I could work from home 1 day a week etc and cut my hours down each day. I was 'leaking' a bit of fluid but a scan at 34+3 showed all was ok, so I was trying to relax. 34+5 I woke to a wet bed. And me being me, i.e. a bit of an idiot, refused to get myself worked up like I had when losing my plug. I showered, had breakfast then (I still can't believe this!) I got 2 buses to the hospital, told my fiance not to leave work as it'll all just be routine. Got to the hospital who confirmed my waters had indeed broken, and I was bleeding. Panic mode engaged. I had to stay in hospital until I wasn't bleeding for 48 hours. Due to Strep B we decided to be induced as the risk to the baby was increasing. I was induced, they struggled to regulate my contractions with the drugs so I wasn't getting a break from the contractions and 7 hours into my 12 hour labour I had an epidural - it was f**king brilliant. Take the drugs ladies, take them all. I was so scared as was told she probably wouldn't cry at first as she was so early and not to panic they had a team of doctors waiting for her arrive, but all I wanted was a cry from her - and she did not disappoint!

Amelia May was born on Mothers day (26th March) at 34+6 weeks weighing 6lb 11oz (3.046kg)

We had to stay a week in hospital as she had quite bad jaundice and lost a lot of weight at first. 

So we are completely in love with this little bundle of joy! 

She has worn all the me-mades I had made. Unfortunately most of them only once, babies grow quick it turns out!

So, in other news (slightly related) I have been offered a new job in Leeds - yayyyy - it does mean a goodbye to London, and it also means I have had to cut my maternity leave in half and come back to work (which is why I have time to write this post!!) so I don't have to repay my maternity leave before I resign. 
Understandably I have not got ANY time to sew. In fact I have packed away my sewing things already and shipped them off to the in-laws for storage (and my sister-in-law to be wants to learn to sew so I am lending her my stuff!) and my room looks bare!

BUT I managed a sneaky trip to Walthamstow this weekend, the weather was lovely, and i went with the aim to buy fabrics for Amelia - I didn't disappoint but I seem to have gone very pink!!! 

It wasn't intentional but they are all lovely and some day I will sew them up!

Wedding planning is going well - on pinterest! We are wanting to get married May 2019 but can't actually book our reception venue until January (their paper diary doesn't go up to 2019 so can't book it!!) so holding off, and to be honest with the move etc all funds are heading in that direction.

I know exactly what I want (and the Mr is happy to plod along!) and I am aiming to DIY as much as possible to keep costs as low as possible. 

And one last thing to show off...

Look what the Mr found for FREE in someones garden...

Bad pictures but still amazing!! Cannot wait to get it cleaned up and restored. According to its serial number and a website it was manufactured in 1909 - amazing.

One last picture of my shmushy face - I want to eat her!

Thanks for reading!!
Kristy xxx

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